Clarinei Oswald
A straightforward and excitable young lady. Though her strong ideals often clash with her logical deductions, to her, nothing is over until defeat is 100% certain. She has excellent analytical skills, but her knowledge of modern society is limited to what she has been told or seen in video games.
She was taken in by the council that governs Tenebris as a public figurehead due to her title as the "Apostle of Light". However, even she knows little of what this fairytale-title entails.
She is never without her companion, Clim, a three-tailed monster who dwells in the crystal embedded in her chest.
She escapes to follow through on a case left behind after the disappearance of her manager.

Apostle of Lights's Records | High Priority
「A high priority individual for the government. Currently missing,
The apostle of light plays an important role in propaganda and must be secured immediately.
In order to prevent public unrest, its escape must remain a secret. If compromised, wait for the council's concensus before proceeding.」

“I'm nothing more than a doll to them...
but I know who I really am.”
Title: Apostle of Light
Citizenship: Tenebris
Age: 18
Birthday: August 31, XX33
Height: 5"1 (155cm)
Weight: 105 lbs. (47.6kg)
Blood Type: O
Affinity: Earth, Light
Weapon: Katana
Hobbies: Training, Solving Puzzles
Likes: Blades, Games
Dislikes: Tight Pants
